password: chao
Poetic license operates a hiatus, a short circuit - an agent provocateur - in the atrophy of a situation that is in a state of political, social, confessional, ethnic, economic or military crisis or lethargy. Through the absurd and sometimes impertinent nature of the poetic act, art provokes a moment of suspension of meaning, a feeling of senselessness that can reveal the absurdity of the situation. Through this act of transgression, the poetic act signals a step back from the circumstances. In short, it can make us see things differently. Francis Alys
An iceberg is a block of ice that, after breaking away from a glacier, wanders through the oceans and seas until it disappears. Islands, sometimes continents adrift, icebergs are fascinating, fragile and powerful, beautiful and frightening. Ephemeral, they elegantly materialize nature in process.
There are countless thoughts that the figure of the iceberg triggers in me, but what most awakens my curiosity and imagination is the fact that the majority of an iceberg is hidden, latent, intuited, a priori invisible to our eyes. This characteristic led me to think about a series of allegories – such as, for example, that the unconscious would be the invisible part of an iceberg called consciousness. We know that the senses measure a limited range of information about the environment. Necessarily, the field of what we know will always be smaller than the field that it would be possible to know. Therefore, sharpening our nose in search of the hidden side of things and phenomena would be a substantial strategy for our survival and expansion.
It is based on assumptions such as the one mentioned above that in this new series of works I am willing to reflect serediptically on the historical time in which we live, a time marked by the critical clash between man and technology. The non-linear narrative proposed by the set of works suggests an iceberg that contrasts the "natural intelligence" developed by Sapiens over millennia with the synthetic, exponential and singular artificial intelligence of today's computers.
The organic, intuitive and anthropophagic research process allowed dialogues to be established with my previous production. It is possible to recognize ideas, concepts, quotes and reconfigurations of works from the in between, Mindscapes and Pattern Recognition series.
Human beings are basically water, and, like icebergs, we break away from our matrix to avoid the friction of life until our bodies succumb.
I've never seen an iceberg, even though it is one.
Fernando Velázquez
June, 2018
ICEBERG - june 21st - july 28th
Woodwork - Leo Ceolin (Base Shed)
Robotics and installation programming: Maurício Jabur (Mau Maker)
VR Film Modeling and Programming: Nacho Durán and Gabriel Andrés Díaz-Regañón
Augmented reality: Nacho Durán
Vinyl: Giordano Bruno Borges Garagem Fablab
Projection: On Projections
Photography: Ignacio Aronovich
Executive production: Fernando Velázquez and Zipper Galeria
Agenor Mafra Neto, Eduardo e Mônica Teixeira, Luiz Rosa, Nacho Durán, Gabriel Dias Regañon, Leo Ceolin, Maurício Jabor, Giordano Bruno Borges, Rodrigo Rezende, Ignácio Aronovich, Jader Rosa, Marcos Cuzziol, Agda Carvalho, Marília Pasculli, Alexis Anastasiou, Red Bull Station, Itau Cultural, Denise Alves, Maria Vitória Bermejo, Otávio Vidoz, Vanessa Torrez, Carol Angelo, Mônica Gambarotto, Rodrigo Barbosa, Winny Choe, Paola Paes Manso, Lucas e Fabio Cimino, Tathiane Oberleitner, Andre Larcher, Rafael Freire e Nathalia Lavigne.